Ma Barker's Killer Brood review

Despite having little resemblance to the truth this movie about Ma Barker and her criminal sons is a great example of 1950s Drive-In style moving making. A very entertaing movie with fine performances by several veteran character actors. It's good to see character actress Lauren Tuttle in a lead role and she is great as Ma.

The Castle of Fu Manchu review

By any standards this is a terrible movie. The series started well with "The Face Of Fu Manchu" but quickly went down hill hitting bottom with this film, the last in the series. For completists only or die hard Christopher Lee and Jess Franco fans. Despite all this I do find the movie somewhat entertaining. Maybe it's because it is such a lousy movie.

The Avengers review

I have been anxiously waiting for this movie since seeing Captain America last year. It is well worth the wait! A truly epic comic book based film. All of the heroes get their chance to show what they are capable of. An exciting and gripping film which is also wonderfully paced. Be sure to stay through all the credits. This movie has two of the traditional tag scenes.

Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze review

If you are a fan of the great Doc Savage pulp novels this movie could be a disappointment. It is loosely based on the first novel "The Man Of Bronze". It was been widely criticized for its' campy approach and a more serious film would have been preferable I have always found this movie to be great fun and entertaining. I knew about Doc Savage before seeing this movie but this is what made me seek out the pulp stories and for that I am very grateful.

Son of Frankenstein review

This is the last great film in the Universal Frankenstein series. Bela Lugosi steals the film giving one of his best performances as Ygor.
This movie has what could be the best cast of any Horror movie. Basil Rathbone and Lionel Atwill are solid in their roles. Karloff makes the most of his limited part. The musical score is excellent and recycled endlessly through the '40s by Universal. Camera work and set design are also stand outs. A definite must see for any fan of Horror films. This is one of my all time favorite films and stands up very well to repeated viewings.
This movie has what could be the best cast of any Horror movie. Basil Rathbone and Lionel Atwill are solid in their roles. Karloff makes the most of his limited part. The musical score is excellent and recycled endlessly through the '40s by Universal. Camera work and set design are also stand outs. A definite must see for any fan of Horror films. This is one of my all time favorite films and stands up very well to repeated viewings.

Tarzan and the Trappers (1960) review

This is actually a compilation of episodes for a proposed Tarzan TV series. When the program didn't sell producer Sol Lesser had the episodes edited together to make a film. Not released theatrically in the U.S. but sold directly to TV.

Tarzan and the Valley of Gold review

This movie is usually noted for being influenced by the James Bond movies of the same era. Tarzan is portrayed as an intelligent man, like the novels, and is seen wearing a suit and normal clothes. The villain does have a henchman who would not be out of place in a Bond movie. However, the actual story is much closer to Doc Savage than James Bond. Tarzan races against the bad guys to reach a secluded city of gold in Mexico. For me part of the fun of this movie is that it has a contemporary setting. The film makers were not concerned that audiences wouldn't believe Tarzan could exist in the 1960s. Or perhaps movie goers then were less cynical. Mike Henry easily has the best body of anyone who has played Tarzan. He actually looks like he could live in a jungle and fight wild animals. Henry, an ex-football player, may not be a great actor but he is totally convincing physically.

The Tarzan Novels of Edgar Rice Burroughs: An Illustrated Reader's Guide review

A good reference work for Edgar Rice Burroughs' most famous creation, Tarzan. The literary Tarzan not the dumbed down movie character. A great book for fans who have read the novels. A good source of information on the Ape Man's exploits.

Agent 077: Mission Bloody Mary review

Secret Agent Dick Malloy, 077, is assigned to find and recover a stolen miniature atomic bomb code name Bloody Mary. One of the better Eurospy movies from the 1960s. A highlight is a running gunfight over several rooftops.

Special Mission Lady Chaplin review

This movie is also known as "Special Mission Lady Chaplin". One of the best European spy movies from the 1960s. If you are a Eurospy movie fan do not miss this one.